Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Air Testing in Bengaluru provides ethical, cost effective and optimal solutions for addressing environmental protection through preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Management Plan (EIA/EMP) Reports; Environmental Data Generation; Green Buildings, Clean Technology, Environmental Software, Sustainability Reporting, Social Impact Assessment; Research and Development and related Consultancy Services. Our services cover both National and International customers, to meet their statutory, regulatory and non-regulatory requirements.

We shall achieve this through:

  • Continual improvement of Quality of Services through upgradation of knowledge, technical expertise and organizational system
  • Proper and periodic review of policies & objectives under ISO 9001 (QMS) framework
  • Effective communication and dissemination of organization’s policy and objectives seeking feedbacks from all our concerned stakeholders within and outside the organization for improvement and incorporation
  • Management Review meetings at least once a year to meet changing customer / organizational needs considering current legislative scenario for overall customer satisfaction